Education, and more specifically the wellbeing and mental health of all those involved (students, teachers, parents, etc.), is of paramount importance. Quality education is not only an inalienable right of all children but also a crucial catalyst for shaping the sustainable societies we all dream of for ourselves and our children.
It is worth noting that in this period of intense and unprecedented challenges -such as technological advancements, the climate crisis, the pandemic, and geopolitical developments- education is called upon to play an enhanced role in shaping resilient, active, and democratic citizens for the future. At the same time, students' wellbeing and mental health are fundamental components of their academic success and personal development.
The European Commission has developed comprehensive and well-documented guidelines aimed at policymakers and educators. These guidelines seek to create a supportive school and broader environment that prioritizes the wellbeing and mental health of both teachers and students, using a holistic, whole-school approach with a strong emphasis on prevention.
In collaboration with Professor Michalis Kakos, the only Greek member of the EU Experts Group on Wellbeing at Schools, Wellbeingr has undertaken an initiative to promote the European Commission's Guidelines on Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools to:
It should be noted that the EU Guidelines on Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools are based on the scientifically validated framework "A Systemic, Whole-School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being in Schools" European Commission: Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Cefai, C., Caravita, S., and Simões, C., A Systemic, Whole-School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being in Schools in the EU – Executive Summary, Publications Office of the European Union, 2021.
This initiative is part of Wellbeingr's broader awareness-raising campaign in Greek society, aiming to foster a new mindset that not only enhances people’s mental, physical, and social health but also improves their overall quality of life, making them happier.